rent a bus in Schleswig-Holstein

Hire charter coaches in Bremen and in Bremerhaven

The bus booking agency Schleswig-Holstein Bus can help you with reservation of top-quality buses with driver next to Bremen as well as in Bremerhaven and in all parts of Germany. In partnership with a great number of bus companies from Bremen, from Bremerhaven, and from anywhere in Germany, we are available to rent you out high-quality coaches for coach tours across the country and entire Europe.

Our bus hire services in Bremen, in Bremerhaven and throughout entire Germany

Should you want to rent a coach with driver, we and our partner coach companies can offer you high-end coaches from close to Bremen and Bremerhaven with a professional driver for your planned trip. Besides other services, we and our local partner bus companies do offer you journeys by buses from Bremen as well as from entire Germany. We will be happy to take your passengers from Bremen to Central Bremen, Bremen New Town, Bremen Peterswerder, Bremen Vegesack, and Bremerhaven - and to any other destination in Germany and Europe.

  • Short-distance bus charter in Bremen and Bremerhaven: Our experienced partner coach companies in the various places of Bremen will be glad to organize any type of local and regional coach tour in Bremen, in Bremerhaven and in any neighbouring area. For instance, our vehicles are ready to transport your passengers to all destinations in Lower Saxony, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, North Netherlands, Syddanmark (Southern Denmark), as well as to all communities, cities and regions of Germany.
  • Long-haul coach rental in Bremen, elsewhere in Germany, and/or across all of Europe: If you need to, you can as well charter our comfortable coaches and mini-coaches for your desired itineraries by coach on the surface of Germany, to Netherlands, to Denmark, to Belgium, to Luxembourg, to France, and for trips to all other countries in Europe.
  • SOS buses with driver to assist you in case of coach breakdown situations next to Bremen, as well as in entire Germany: Our local partner coach companies in entire Germany are available to assist you solve coach breakdown events in the surroundings of Bremen and Bremerhavenby immediately sending substitution buses with driver for a prompt transfer of the affected passengers to any place that you name us. Regardless of the time of your incident, our team can arrange reliable replacement buses from a closeby place in Bremen for a partial ride in the surroundings of Bremen, or alternatively for your full coach itinerary within Germany, to the closeby countries of Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France, or to other places in Europe.

Book charter buses in Bremen

If you are looking to book a coach in Bremen or Bremerhaven, don't hesitate to ask us for pricing information at the address . Our staff is waiting for your coach rental request and will be answering you asap with a detailed quote concerning your bus journey in the surroundings of Bremen or in any other part of Germany and entire Europe.

Book tour guides in Bremen

Besides your bus rental, are you also looking for a well-trained local tourguide for your sightseeing excursions in the neighbourhood of Bremen? If so, we will be happy to arrange for you unforgettable guided tours in Bremen. Our professional tour guides will be happy to make you discover the sightseeing hotspots of Bremen during a tailor-made sightseeing excursion by bus. We are available anytime at: !